Education Background
- Apr. 2023 - present: PhD, Manufacturing Engineering
of Aerospace Vehicle; Northwestern Polytechnical University
(NPU), Xi'an, China
- Supervisors: Prof. Kaifu Zhang; Prof. Kuan Lu
- Aug. 2020 - Apr. 2023: MSc, General and Fundamental
Mechanics; NPU, Xi'an, China
- Supervisors: Prof. Kuan Lu
- Degree: Master of Engineering has been conferred on Apr. 2023
- Weighed Average Score: 88.18/100, ranking of 1/24
- Core Modules: Linear and Non-linear Vibration Theory (93), Control Technique of Vibration (94), Intelligent Algorithm in Engineering Application (96), Finite Element and Dynamic Substructures Methods for Vibration Analysis (94), Signal Processing and Modal Analysis (93)
- Aug. 2016 - Jul. 2020: BSc, Engineering
Mechanics; NPU, Xi'an, China
- Degree: Bachelor of Engineering has been conferred on Jul. 2020
- Weighed Average Score: 85.96/100, ranking of 13/54
- Core Modules: Elasticity (94), Hydrodynamic (Bilingual, 94), Fluid-Structure Interaction (100), Mechanical Vibration (89), Computational Method (93), Vibration Control Technique (90)
Master's Thesis (Excellent Thesis Award)
- Thesis Title: Research on Vibration Mechanism of Dual-rotor System of Aero-engine with Coupling Fault
- Description: Both a simulation model and an experimental set-up were established to explore the vibration mechanism of a fault aero-engine dual-rotor bearing system. In the simulation, the finite element method and the HB-AFT method were utilized to model and solve the ODEs governing the motion of the system. Furthermore, the fault parameter sensitivity was analyzed based on the frequency spectrum, time series, Poincare section, and bifurcation theory.
Bachelor's Thesis (Excellent Thesis Award)
- Thesis Title: Modeling and Vibration Suppression of Rotor-bearing System of Large Rotating Machinery
- H. Zhang, K. Lu, W. Zhang, C. Fu. Investigation on dynamic behaviors of rotor system with looseness and nonlinear supporting. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 166 (2022) 108400. [Link to]
- K. Lu, H. Cheng, W. Zhang, H. Zhang, K. Zhang, C. Fu. Nonlinear Dynamic behaviors of a dual-rotor bearing system with coupling misalignment fault. Measurement Science and Technology. 34(1) (2022) 014005. [Link to]
- K. Lu, Y. Jin, P. Huang, F. Zhang, H. Zhang, C. Fu, Y. Chen. The applications of POD method in dual rotor-bearing systems with coupling misalignment. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 150 (2021) 107236. [Link to]
- K. Lu, H. Zhang, K. Zhang, Y. Jin, S. Zhao, C. Fu, Y. Chen. The Transient POD Method Based on Minimum Error of Bifurcation Parameter. Mathematics. 9 (2021) 392. [Link to]
- K. Lu, N. Wu, K. Zhang, C. Fu, Y. Jin, Y. Yang, H. Zhang. Dynamical Behaviors Analysis of the Rotor Model with Coupling Faults and Applications of the TPOD Method. Applied Science. 150 (2021) 107236. [Link to]
- K. Lu, H. Zhang, H. Zhou, Y. Jin, Y. Yang, C. Fu. Application of the Second Dimension Reduction Method in Nonlinear Rotor Dynamic System. In: Lacarbonara W., Balachandran B., Ma J., Tenreiro Machado J., StepanG. (eds), Nonlinear Dynamics of Structures, Systems and Devices. Springer, Cham,2020, 0: 533-548. [Link to]
- K. Lu, K. Zhang, H. Zhang, X. Gu, Y. Jin, S. Zhao, C. Fu, Y. Yang. A Review of Model Order Reduction Methods for Large-Scale Structure Systems. Shock and Vibration. 10(21) (2020) 7415. [Link to]
Short-term Exchange Programmes
Time Period | University | Venue |
Jul. 2018 | Vrije Universiteit Brussel | Belgium |
Nov. 2019 | Chiba University | Japan |
Nov. 2019 | Kanazawa University | Japan |
Summer School Course
- Jun. 2022 - Jul. 2022: Dynamic analysis of multiple degrees of freedom systems, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands. By Prof. Saullo G. P. Castro (S.G.P.Castro@tudelft.n)
Teaching Assistant
- Apr. 2021 - Jul. 2021: Course: Fluid-structure
interaction, NPU, Xi'an, China
- Teaching Harmonic Balance Method to undergraduates.
- Marking and recording of final tests and examinations.
Conference Oral Presentation
- May 2023: The 19th National Conference on Non-Linear
Vibration (NVND2023)
- Location: Tianjin, China
- Title: Research on the coupling fault mechanism of a two-spool rotor bearing system
- TMay 2021: The 18th National Conference on Non-Linear Vibration (NVND2021)
- Location: Guangzhou, China
- Title: Dynamic behaviors of a multi-disc rotor system with non-linear stiffness support and loosening fault
Research Project
- Jan. 2020 - Dec. 2022: Research Programme Funded by
State Key Laboratory
- Project Title: Nonlinear Dynamic Characteristics of Rolling Bearing Failure in Large Rotating Machinery.
- Location: Shijiazhuang, China
- Duties/Responsibilities
- Establishing a FEM model for a Large Rotating Machinery.
- Analysing the effect of bearing seat loosening fault on the rotor-bearing system.
- Developing a Matlab APP: Parametric Modelling, Calculating and Analysing System for Rotor Dynamics (Copyright No. 2022SR1348044)
- Establishing a rotor set-up.
- Sep. 2019 - Apr. 2020: National Student Innovation
Training Programme
- Location: Xi'an, China
- Duties/Responsibilities
- Formulating a project development plan as a leader.
- Organising project seminars.
- Designing and assembling a property of the star suit.
- Jun. 2023: Excellent Thesis Award (the first 4 out of 155, master's thesis), NPU, China
- Apr. 2023: Outstanding Master's Degree Graduates, NPU, China
- Dec. 2022: Second Prize in Graduate Future Flight Vehicle Innovation Competition, China
- Jul. 2020: Excellent Thesis Award (the first 10\(\%\) out of 134, bachelor's thesis), NPU, China
- Jul. 2020: Outstanding Bachelor's Degree Graduates, NPU, China
- Oct. 2019: National Encouragement Scholarship, China
- 2019 - 2023: The First Prize Scholarship (5 times), NPU, China
- Apr. 2019: Honorable Mention in Mathematical Contest in Modeling, USA
- Languages:
- Chinese: Native
- English: IELTS 6.5 (Test report form Number: 23CN119518ZHAH001A)
- Programming Skills:
- Advanced: MATLAB, \(\LaTeX\)
- Intermediate: Python, Maple
- Technical Skills:
- ANSYS, SOLIDWORKS, Photoshop, Origin, Microsoft Office suite
- Mathematical Modeling, Numerical Simulation, Problem-solving, Leadership, Creativity, Logical thinking
(Click here for a PDF version of my CV)
Contact me
- Email:
- Phone: +86 15353692778
- ORCID: 0000-0003-2428-1583
- Address: Room 355, Innovative Science & Technology Building, Northwestern Polytechnical University, 127 West Youyi Road, Beilin District, Xi'an Shaanxi, 710072, China